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    Dawning 3000
    Dawning 3000 Super Server System, running at a computing rate of 403.2 billion floating-point operations per second, is a major result of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program and the National 863 R & D Plan, was honored with the Second Prize for the National Science and Technology Progress in 2003.
    Loongson-1 General-Purpose CPU Chip is a major achievement of the CAS??s Knowledge Innovation Program and the National 863 R & D Plan. It won the CAS Outstanding Achievement Award in 2003. It is also the first CPU chip for general-purposes devised by China with a clock frequency of 266 MHz.
    Hand Gesture Recognition and Synthesis Research Project
    Hand Gesture Recognition and Synthesis Research Project based on multi-sensation theories won the Second Prize for the National Science and Technology Progress in 2002.
    Compunicator, a combination of personal computing and mobile computing, won the Second Prize for the National Scientific and Technologic Progress in 2002.
    Dawning 2000
    Dawning 2000 Super Server System won the Second Prize for the National Scientific and Technological Progress in 2001.

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