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    Dr. Kathryn McKinley Gave an Academic Report on Getting Software into the Energy Efficiency Game
    Update time: 2012-06-19
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    Kathryn McKinley is a Principle Researcher at Microsoft Research and an Endowed Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. from Rice University. Her research interests span architecture, compilers, memory management, runtime systems, reliability, security, and software engineering. She and her collaborators have produced widely used tools: the DaCapo Java Benchmarks, TRIPS Compiler, Hoard memory manager, MMTk garbage collector toolkit, and Immix garbage collector. Her service includes program chair for ASPLOS '04, PACT '05, PLDI '07, ISMM'12, and CGO'13; Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Programming Language Systems (TOPLAS) (2007-2010) and CRA Board member (2012-present).

    Invited by Chenggang Wu, Associate Professor of Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture,Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Kathryn McKinley gave a report on “Getting Software into the Energy Efficiency Game” on June 18, 2012. The report calculated on 10:00AM at Room 446.

    In this talk, Dr. Kathryn McKinley presented quantitative power, performance, and energy measurements on a range of workloads and devices, from server class machines to mobile. She showed how a managed runtime can exploit differentiated workload characteristics to significantly improve energy efficiency. And the results suggest that software must play a larger role in order to achieve energy efficiency in future systems. During the talk, Dr. Kathryn McKinleyusing a large number of data fully and accurately described in the multi-core environment how to use the runtime system and auxiliary nuclear improve energy utilization rate and made the attendees having a clear understanding. By participating in this talk, regardless of whether they are engaged in the related work, all people have benefited a lot.

    This talk lasted nearly two hours; the attendees gave a warm applause to Dr. Kathryn McKinley’s vivid reporting.

    In the afternoon, Dr. Kathryn McKinley communicated to several professors with more in-depth exchanges and discussions at Room 1201. Until more than 5:00PM, Dr. McKinley finishedthe trip of ICT. Thanks to Dr. Kathryn McKinley’s visit to ICT.

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