On Arp. 5 2012, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and her entourage visited ICT.
Prof. Sun Ninghui, the director of ICT welcomed her delegation and gave introduction to the history, structure, research and spin-offs of ICT.
Then Prof. Liu Qun, gave a presentation on “The ICT-NECTEC Joint Research on Chinese-Thai Machine Translation”. ICT (China) and NECTEC (Thailand) had conducted collaborative research on machine translation between Chinese and Thai for many years. Prof. Liu Qun and Dr. Thepchai Supnithi first introduced their joint research activities and results, and then gave a demostration of the Chinese -Thai machine translation prototype system. HRH Princess Sirindhorn tried the translation system by herself with a great interest and received satisfing feedback.

Prof. Chen Yiqiang, gave a presentation on “Pervasive Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities”. In this talk, Prof. Chen Yiqiang introduced some novel assistive technologies which were beneficial for the people with disabilities, including the elderly, the children and especially for the deaf and the blind. These technologies and corresponding systems were: 1、The Immersion telepresence technology and system (TV based) ; 2、The mobile assistive caring platform with location and activity aware technologies (Mobile phone based). 3、Assistive Computer for the Blind and Assistive PAD for the Deaf (Pad based).

HRH Princess Sirindhorn also visited the library and pervasive center of ICT. Her visiting promoted the exchange between Thailand and ICT, and also helped ICT introduced its research achievements into the world.