Dr. Guohan Lv, from Microsoft Research Asia, China, gave a report on Introduction of DCN Research at 2:00 pm, on April 24, in the room 446 ofICT. This talk was invited and host by Associate Researcher Xiufeng Sui at Advanced Computer Systems Laboratory.
Firstly, Dr. Lv introduced the recently proposed architectures of data center networks, such as FatTree, Bcube, Dcell, etc. He talked the hot topics on data center networks, such as topology, routing and load balancing.He also introduced recently proposed solutions to solve the challenges above. Then he talked about his works on ServerSwitch, the motivation, requirements, goals and the challenges. He introduced the architecture of ServerSwitch, and gave a detail implementation of ServerSwitch. And he also gave their expects of ServerSwitch in the future data center networks. Finally, Dr. Lv talked about the future trends in the research and development of the design of switches and routers in data center networks.
After the report, attendees discussed about the recent development of data center network and the future development trends of data center routers, and other interesting subjects.