Professor Xiaoqing Wen, from Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, gave a report on Power-Aware Testing for Low-Power VLSI Circuits at 2:00 pm, on March 29, in the room 748 of ICT. This talk was invited and chaired by Prof. Huawei Li at State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture.
Firstly, Professor Wen introduced the natural environments, location, economics,and industry of Kyushu. He also introduced Kyushu Institute of Technology and his research team to us. With rich experience in collaborating with the industry, Professor Wen presented the background and the main problems of low-power testing, how to reduce shift power and capture power, and research results on exploiting rescue and mask to ensure the capture power safety. Finally, Professor Wen talked about the future trends in the research and development of more advanced and sophisticated low-power test solutions for future low-power VLSI circuits.
After the report, teachers and students discussed about the recent development of low-power testing and other interesting subjects.