On Jan. 25, 2010, Prof. Guojie Li, the head of ICT/CAS and Prof. Branka Vucetic, the head of Electrical and Information Engineering School in University of Sydney (USYD) signed the agreement for the PhD Cotutelle Program between ICT/CAS and USYD. Under the Cotutelle Program, the cotutelle student pursues doctoral studies both at ICT/CAS and USYD, and receives a degree from both ICT/CAS and USYD, with a notation on the final transcript stating that the degree was obtained under a cotutelle agreement. As the first student enrolled in this project, the PhD student Manli Qian who is now studying in ICT/CAS AWTRC will start her one year’s study in USYD from July this year. The Cotutelle agreement marks the enhancing cooperation between ICT/CAS and USYD. As a foreign expert enrolled in “Distinguished Research Fellow Project in Chinese Academy of Sciences”, Prof. Branka Vucetic was awarded the visiting Professor certificate by Prof. Guojie Li in this signing ceremony.
