Dawning 5000, hundreds Terabyte data processing super computer contracted by Shanghai Supercomputer Center |
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On June 24, 2008, the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, Dawning Information Industry Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Supercomputer Center jointly held the signing ceremony at the Institute of Computing Technology for Dawning 5000’s would-be settlement at Shanghai Supercomputer Center. This means that Chinese users are going to possess home made hundreds Terabyte data processing super computer very soon, and Shanghai Supercomputer Center will become the biggest general purpose computing platform in the world in due course. Dawning 5000 to settle at Shanghai Supercomputer Center has the computing capability of 200 TeraFLOPS, which will refresh the domestic record for high performance calculation once again (the previous record was set by Dawning 4000 serving at Shanghai Supercomputing Center with the computing capability of 11 TeraFlOPs). It takes the lead in the global general purpose super computer field as well. Besides possessing super calculating ability, Dawning 5000 is characterized by solely independent IPR, super high density, super high performance/cost ratio, super low power consumption and super extensive application. It has a much better performance in volume, energy consumption, software efficiency and manageability all at the same time. Its performance will be 20 times that of 4000A, while its volume and power consumption are only 2/3 of and 1.5 times those of the latter respectively. All these put it at the leading place in the whole industry. Dawning 5000 not only testifies China’s capability in high performance calculation and lays a foundation for numerous key projects of science and technology, and in the mean time, with its super scope of general purpose application, it also changes the status of ever increasing shortage in commercialized high performance calculation resources and meets the demand of the society upon energy conservation and environmental protection.