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    ICT member of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium
    Update time: 2009-08-19
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    In 2008, the HyperTransport Technology Consortium announced the addition of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT) to its membership roster. Thus, ICT became the first Chinese academic institution joining this consortium. The HyperTransport Consortium membership is not only a stamp of approval on HyperTransport technology licensing but, more importantly, a ticket to extensive technical benefits such as a full slate of design support, testing guidelines and verification software platforms. The HyperTransport Consortium membership is based on four membership classes (i.e., promoter, contributor, adopter, and academic) which determine the rights and benefits to which members are entitled. As the famous research institution in China, ICT is always focusing on new and innovative computer system architectures with scalability, high performance. ICT’s academic membership will go far in enabling the on-going research on the HyperTransport-based system architectures and, in fact, are already seeing the benefits of academic membership with Godson multi-core CPU and Dawning 5000 supercomputer systems. As the academic membership, ICT can seek comprehensive, member-only technical information on HyperTransport technology and promotion of HyperTransport-related research to the global industry.


    Address :No.6 Kexueyuan South Road Zhongguancun,Haidian District Beijing,China
    Postcode :100190 Tel : (8610)62601166 Email : office@ict.ac.cn