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      The Institute of Computing Technology, China Academy of Sciences is one of the first 12 institutes where pilot projects supported by CAS’ Knowledge Innovation Program were launched. It has been devoting itself to scientific discovery and technical innovation in information industry, serving the society through transferring independent technology, cultivating talented personnel and spreading advanced culture. It has been trying its best to make continuous, significant, fundamental, strategic and forward-looking contributions to the construction of our national economy, national security and sustainable development of the society. So far, it has set up 3 research divisions including Computer System Division, Network Science and Technology Division, and Intelligent Information Procession Division, under which are 4 key laboratories and 7 research centers. System and architecture covers the following directions: high performance computer architecture, low cost, low power consumption and high performance Loongson CPU chip,  Loongson IP based SoC, advanced compilation technology, virtual technology, etc.; network technology research is mainly oriented at Ipv6 and next generation internet architecture, wireless communication network, information gateway, AVS encoding and other digital technology, video encoding and decoding technology, etc.; intelligent information procession takes as its major directions of research intelligent information security, grid operation system, knowledge grid, service grid and knowledge tank project, gesture recognition, digital 3-dimensional human motion simulation, new generation database architecture, etc. 
      Attaching great importance to fundamental research work, ICT has been continuously strengthening cross-disciplinary cooperative research, including researches into forward looking layout in the area of computer science and technology, combination of computer technology and modern industry, etc. To be specific, its research covers theories and application of computational biology, semantics and knowledge grid, and so on. 
      By the end of 2008, ICT had a staff of 442 members, including 1 academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 46 professors and 121 associate professors; 1008 postgraduates were enrolled, including 455 pursing doctoral studies and 553 pursuing graduate studies. In 2008, there were 465 projects of various types under research in all. By the end of 2008, ICT has won 633 items of scientific and technological achievements in all as the first unit; 180 awards for science and technology at the State, Academy, Municipal and Ministerial levels in all, among which 37 State level awards for science and technology (including 4 awards for which ICT is not the first unit), 154 Academy and Ministry level awards (including 6 awards for which ICT is not the first unit).


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    Postcode :100190 Tel : (8610)62601166 Email : ictoffice@ict.ac.cn