Towards Side-Channel Resilient Confidential Computing

Date: May 10, 2019

Confidential computing leverages emerging security components of modern processors, such as Intel SGX and AMD SEV, to execute applications securely on untrusted software stacks. A variety of privacy-sensitive applications (e.g., confidential cloud computing and privacy-preserving blockchains) are made possible by confidential computing. However, prior studies have suggested that confidential computing is vulnerable to various side-channel attacks. This talk summarizes our recent studies on side channels in this context and highlights some solutions that we have proposed to offer side-channel resilience to applications with demands of confidentiality.

Dr. Yinqian Zhang is an assistant professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University. His research interest lies in computer security in general. His most prominent research is on the topic of side-channel security, particularly in the context of cloud computing, mobile computing, and confidential computing. Over the past ten years, he has published numerous high-quality peer-reviewed research papers in well-regarded conference proceedings and journals. As an expert in system security and side channels, he has been frequently invited to serve on the technical program committees of top security venues, such as IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, Usenix Security, and NDSS. Dr. Zhang was a recipient of the Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Security in 2013, a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in 2018, a Lumley Research Award and a Faculty Teaching Award from the Ohio State University in 2019. Dr. Zhang has been recognized as one of the AMiner Most Influential Scholars in security in 2018.
