ICT’s Computer Game Program Won the Gold Medal in 16th Computer Olympiad

Date: Dec 20, 2011

The research group of distributed and cloud computing, advanced computing research laboratory, has been committed to the computer game research based on parallel and distributed computing technology. Cloudict.Connect6, the game program developed by this team, participated in the 16th Computer Olympiad, which was held in the Netherlands on November 18, 2011, and won the gold medal in the Connect6 tournament.

The Computer Olympiad is one of the highest-level multi-game events taking place every year in which computer programs compete against each other. For computer game programs, the Computer Olympiad provides an opportunity to win the "world's best computer player" title. The 16th Computer Olympiad attracted a lot of experts and scholars from all around the world to compete for the championship of different games, such as Go, Chess, Connect6 and so on.

Connect6 is a two-player game similar to Gomoku, but is more fair and complex. Two players, namely Black and White, alternately place two stones of their own color on the empty intersections of a Go-like board, except that Black (the first player) places only one stone for the first move. The one who gets six or more stones in a row first wins the game. After fierce competitions, Cloudict.Connect6 ultimately overcame other opponents, stood out from all programs, and won the gold medal in the tournament.
