More Websites with Audio System for the Blind Launched

Date: May 09, 2011

The audio system for the blind, tailored for website by the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS), expanded its application in on April 19, 2011 following its initial operation in the website of Beijing Foundation for Disabled Persons ( was mainly launched by China Disabled Persons’ Federation to provide comprehensive and effective services for disabled persons in China. The employment of such system could convert the website to an audio version by pressing a shortcut key on keyboard, thus making it accessible to persons with visual impairment.

The system was mainly completed by ICT Prof. QIAN Yueliang who was appointed as an information expert in information accessibility for his long-term hard work in this respect for disabled persons.

According to QIAN, the system is also called server-side sound push system which can automatically generate a new website version that combines sound with simplified layout under a certain demand after conducting intelligent analysis on the existing vision. The vision combined with sound and simplified layout makes it possible for visual challenged persons to listen to what’s in the website. It has been tested during its trial operation that the system could greatly promoted websites’ perceptibility, maneuverability, intelligibility, and barrier free reading ability. 

The research on the technology began in January, 2008 and passed acceptance checks in April, 2011.
