“Loongson” based “Mongolian-Chinese Education Resource Tank” under trial run in ethnic minority primary and middle school education in Inner Mongolia

Date: Aug 19, 2009
On December 8, 2008, “Ceremony for Launching Mongolian-Chinese Education Resource Network Trial Run and Training Conference” hosted by the Department of Education of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and organized by Inner Mongolia Education Press was held in the lecture hall of Uiles Hotel, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia. Mr. Meng Dan, Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, attended the ceremony and made a speech. Mr. Man Da, Deputy Director of the Department of Education of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Mr. Jiao Min, Dean of the Information Center of the People’s Education Press, Ms. Huang Ying, Editor in Chief of Beijing Education Publishing House, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches as well.  The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bao Shuanglong, Director of Inner Mongolia Education Publishing House. 
The hardware-software integrated “Loongson” based “Mongolian-Chinese Education Resource Tank” was jointly developed by RCPC under the Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, People’s Education Press, Beijing Education Publishing Group, Inner Mongolia Education Press and other content publishing units. Adopting “Loognson” based low end server solution in hardware and domestic Linux system and education content software, it is highly applicable, easy to use, rich in content, and capable of meeting the needs of teachers and students at minority nationality primary and middle schools in Inner Mongolia for various types of education resources.  Meanwhile, as it adopts specially designed “Loongson” based software and hardware encryption scheme, copying will be effectively prevented so that the IPR of the publishing house can be protected and the IPR protection issue hampering the development of digital book resources for a long time can be resolved. 
Mr. Meng Dan, Deputy Director of the Institute introduced relevant information about the Institute and the development of equipment. Deputy Director General Man Da highly praised the trial run at some of the minority nationality primary and middle schools in Inner Mongolia, remarking that “it will resolve the issue of shortage in Mongolian-Chinese resources for which a solution has been difficult to find over a long period of time, will play an active role in promoting the development of education and especially minority nationality education in our region, strengthening the construction of education materials and realizing the modernization of teaching methods”. In the meantime, he hopes that the test run and training will be further strengthened so as to make sure the test run achieves real effects, and lays the foundation for its large scale expansion and application in minority nationality areas in the year to come.
