International Conferences and Seminars
  • International Conferences: BenchCouncil conferences
    ICT researchers take an active part in the organization of BenchCouncil conferences. BenchCouncil organizes a series of conferences to fulfill its missions: promotes data or benchmark-based quantitative approaches to tackle multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary challenges; advances state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice benchmarks, data, standards, evaluations, and optimizations; Since 2...     ICT researchers take an active part in the organization of BenchCouncil conferences.
      BenchCouncil International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing (Bench) Starting as BPOE Workshop in conjunction with ASPLOS, VLDB and ICS, the Bench symposium has been held successfully for fourteen series. The intent of the Bench conference is to further the knowledge and understan...
  • International Workshops: Hot DC series
    Cloud datacenter has become the most important IT infrastructure that people use every day. Building efficient future datacenters will require collective efforts of the entire global community. As an attempt to initiate a platform that will bring together the most important and forward-looking work in the area for intriguing and productive discussions,the Workshop on Hot Topics on Data Centers ...     ICT has hosted since 2016 an annual international workshop named HotDC (Hot topics on Data Centers) that focuses on cloud data-center related issues. With the cloud data center crucial to IT, construction of high-performance data centers at low cost requires collective effort. A platform that brings together important, forward-looking work for intriguing, productive discussions, ICT’s firs...